
Are you looking to meet other members, find new climbing buddies and hang out with friends? Join UBuddy!

UBuddy allows members who like to climb at the same gym to connect with each other. There are different groups you can join. There is one groupchat for members who prefer to climb at Energie Haven and Zuid Haven, and two seperate groups for Sterk (Spoor) climbers. One Tuesday group and one Thursday group. And you’ve guessed it, Tuesday and Thursday are their regular climbing days. Usually after work 🙂

In addition, as an active UBuddy member you will also receive your first drink for free with every monthly get-together which the Activity Committee organises at either Sterk(Spoor) or at one of the Havens! This is the perfect opportunity to get to know non-UBuddies too!

Log in to sign up.


Every group has a ‘mentor’. Their role is to get people excited to go climbing togehter every week! 

Log in if you want to help out as a mentor!

If you have any questions, be sure to send a message to the vice-versa-chairman!