News letter December
A lot has happened
Here's the newest news letter from your favorite bouldering club: UBoulder. A lot has happened since the last news letter. Not everything that happened, was useful. We collected the contribution (very useful), the board ran away with the money and is living on the interest Cayman Islands (not useful) and Ewald decided to resign from the board (not useful) to focus on his master study WOW-account (very useful, he's now level 47 and an accomplished alchemist). On top of that, Gijs Uijterwijk dominated the UBoulder category during the Dutch Student Bouldering Championship (NSKB) and Maaike decided to take a pup.
That was only a small part of all usefull and useless things concerning UBoulder. What's more? Read below!
Oh and I couldn't deny you this glorious GIF of Maaike's new pup.

-Cute, eh?-
Ewald resigns as Secretary
As some of you might know I’ve stopped with my function as secretary of UBoulder. Fortunately the rest of the board gave me the chance to write for the newsletter ONE last time, providing me with the chance to formally say goodbye to you all.
The main reason I quit has to do with my study. Guess what, a master is ‘slightly’ more difficult than a bachelor’s degree; a lot more has to be done to get the same results. Combine that with working a couple days a week and there’s absolutely no time left. To summarize: I’d rather do less things good than a lot of things average!
I will remain active as a member of UBoulder, so you’ll most likely see me on the numerous upcoming events of climbing trips. Good luck and see you all soon!
Ewald van Dael
Training 29 December is Cancelled
Great, the holiday season is coming! This means we'll all get fat. To support this good intentions, the training on the 29th of December is canceled. Now you've got more time to eat an ungodly amount of Christmas stuff. Sweet!
Nah, just joking. The UBoulder board is spending your money at the Cayman Islands.

-Look at the moneyz-
Nah, just joking. Only Tim and Thomas are on a holiday. They're going to Spain to work on their skin tone.

The activity committee also did stuff
Last month the activity committee organised the first edition of UBoulder Fun&Games. A not insignificant group of UBoulderbuddies exchanged their chalk for a dice or card game. It was pretty sweet. This is how Lot of the activity committee describes the phenomenon.
There were a lot of people and a dog, there were games, drinks and snacks. It was warm, cosy and exciting right till the end. And I saw that it was good.
Signed, Lot van Engeland, Puzzle queen of UBoulder.
Thanks a lot, Lot.
On top of that, the activity committee is also very busy organising the

-Have you signed up for the UBoulderhal Tour?-
As its first stop on Sunday 15th of December UBoulder will visit Boulderhal Kei in Amersfoort!
We gather at 12:00 at the piano in Utrecht central station or you can go at your convenience and climb at 13:00. After this exotic boulder experience there is time for nice foods and drinks in the Keicity. Do you know why it’s called this way? Find out and sign up via this link!
What: Boulderhal Tour stop 1
Where: Boulderhal Kei, Soesterweg 314, 3812 BH Amersfoort
When: Coming 15th of December from 13-16 hours. 12 o’clock at the Utrecht central station grand piano for gezellige travels.
Climbing trips Spring 2020
Hi there hottie! Are you free this Spring?
Most of you probably already knew this but repetition is the key to success (or something like that, I just make this up as I go along). The dates of the climbing trips are now on our website! We’ve scheduled a grand total of six trips: four long weekends to Fontainebleau and two short weekends to Glees and Avalonia. Get. Hyped!!!
You can’t quite sign up yet (right now I’m too lazy to do that) but at least you have ample time to block the dates in your undoubtedly busy schedule. Will we see you on all six trips?
-Only when climbing outside, you'll see the light-
Result Dress-yourself campaign: half-naked
No less than 21 t-shirts and tops are introduced to our club. This means that half of you now has something to cuddle with. Wear them to the training, UBoulderhal Tour, while doing groceries or wear it with pride to your Grandma’s birthday. Later this week the shirts will be collected at the printer and soon after you can soak your choice of textile in sweat. Have you missed your chance to obtain this artwork? No worries, later there will be more opportunities to wear the UBoulder logo on your heart. As they said in Ancient China: “Every line of clothing needs some growing.”

Clinic JongGras SportBuddies
In the newsletter of September we introduced the clinic for JongGras SportBuddies.
This project helps status holders (refugees with a residence permit) by letting students coach them concerning various sports in Utrecht. This will improve the Dutch language of status holders while they build a network in our country. On Sunday 26 January about 50 Sportbuddies, status holders, organisers and the city counsel member of Sports, Maarten van Ooijen, will join us to try out bouldering at bouldering gym Sterk.
Important for you: 26 January there will be no training because of the clinic.
We are looking for about ten members who would like to accompany a group of about five people. You will get instructions about what you have to explain, and some exercises if that’s necessary. The idea is that you will enthuse people about bouldering. While you’re at it, wear your new UBoulder shirt!
You can sign up by sending an email to
NSKB 2019
Little more than a week ago our hometown of Utrecht had the honor to host the NSKB (Dutch Student Championship Bouldering) 2019. In the bouldering gym we all know and love, bouldering gym Sterk, almost 150 students participated to conquer that spot in the spotlight. Of course the younger generation of UBoulder participated as well! Thirty boulders were set by the routesetters for the qualifiers, followed by another eight boulders for the finals (4 for the men, 4 for the woman). Sadly, none of our members ended up on stage. On the bright side, Gijs Uijterwijk had the honor of becoming the best UBoulder participant, ending up on the 52 place. When the qualifiers were done we settled in for a spectacular final to watch, followed by an evening of heavy partying and even heavier drinking. A day to be remembered, and we hope to see a lot of UBoulderaars next year!

-Well donen Gijs! You deserve an extra large spot in this news letter-
Then there's this new column:
The Board's Board
This is the first one and only Board Board! As members you do not hear a lot from what the Uboulder board bickers about during meetings. On this Board Board some quotes from the meeting records will be showed, which sheds light on what is talked about during the meetings.
Tim on Thomas's Msc Graduation: “He is now a bromasterbator”
Maaike: “Productive meeting!” Louis: “Yes, but I need to pee!” Thomas: “If this is the first time, then is was a productive meeting indeed!”
Q: What is T&T? A: "Thomas and Tim, ‘Trips’ and Trainings."
Thomas: “Why are dissemination and insemination so similar?”
“Maaike, how are the finances? Can we book a trip to Hawaï yet?"
Kees is going to live on the Singlestraat.
Kees: “You’d better be a volunteer on the eurovision songfestival than going to do a PHD”
PS; If you think now ‘if this are the meetings, it is nog going well with the sportclub’ Than I will comfort you: sometimes even useful things are discussed.
Well, that was it. And now excuse me while I pack for a trip to the Cayman Islands.
With boulderhugs,
Kees Gort
HKHG - UBoulder