Contributie 2019 EN

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The most welcome mail of the year
It's time for contribution 


As Treasuress I have been busy starting everything finance and bank account related. Right now, we have a bank account, which we are very happy with. Unfortunately, there are more strict regulations now, which result in some back-and-forth communication with the bank about direct debits. We will have to wait a bit more before we can collect contributions that way.
To have a good start with UBoulder we need contributions. We have chosen to use company-Tikkies for now, until the direct debit collection works. With this Tikkie-service we will also collect participation fees for activities and weekends during the year.
We would like to ask you to easily pay the contribution via a

Tikkie to the best bouldering club

You would make your Treasuress very happy if you could pay right now, so I don't have to collect it afterwards :)
If you're not familiar with this Dutch payment method, don't worry. You can also pay via bank transfer or wait for the direct debit.

With bouldering regards,
Maaike Blekman

Treasuress - UBoulder

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