
Everything about what it means to be a UBoulder member.
And how to cancel your membership.

UBoulder members can participate in climbing trips, training sessions, competitions and other fun activities, and benefit from discounts at the bouldering gyms Sterk and Sterk Spoor. The membership is also a great way to meet fellow climbers in and around Utrecht.

When you become a member you get an e-mail with more information. You are also added to the Whatsapp community to be able to meet up with other members and get information easily on activities. We also send information on activities and the newsletter via e-mail. So it is not a problem if you don’t want to stay in the Whatsapp community. 

As a member you can join the normal training without signing up. For the climbing trips, however, you need to sign up. We need to know how many are participating per trip. During the climbing trips bouldering materials will be provided by us. You only need to bring yourself, some climbing shoes and (basic) camping gear! One to two times a year, we have an introduction bouldering trip with additional information and training on bouldering outside.

Our new year starts on June 1st. Any sign-up before June 1st will be counted as a sign-up for the current year.

Cancel membership

If you want to cancel your membership, you can send this in an e-mail to The deadline for cancelling your membership for the next club year is the 1st of May. If you cancel before this date, you don’t have to pay the contribution of the following year. If this deadline is passed you are obligated to pay the contribution (and you can use the UBoulder services for one more year)