
At UBoulder we choose to not make running of the club and the success of the club a responsibility of only the board. We hope that everyone, member and non-member, can contribute.
We share our goals so everyone knows what is on our mind and so everyone can contribute in their own way.

Every quarter we have 3 goals that contribute to the quarterly theme. Every goal has 3 levels (bronze, silver and gold). If we reach a level 3x, we may treat ourselves to the celebration of that level.

Q4 2021 October-December

Theme: new member integration

Free drink at the new members outing
T-shirt for UBuddies
Onboarding gift for all new and current members

New members onboarding procedure

Goal: There is an onboarding procedure for new members.

Tip: What was missing from the UBoulder onboarding for you? Let us know!


Goal: We mix and match people into UBuddy groups, to get to know eachother.

Tip: Become a UBuddy by signing up with the vice-versa board member.

Professionalize trial trainings

Goal: Trial trainees are well prepared for the trial training.

Tip: Do you know people that would like to do a trial training at UBoulder? Let them sign up via Trial training!