
At UBoulder we choose to not make running of the club and the success of the club a responsibility of only the board. We hope that everyone, member and non-member, can contribute.
We share our goals so everyone knows what is on our mind and so everyone can contribute in their own way.

Every quarter we have 3 goals that contribute to the quarterly theme. Every goal has 3 levels (bronze, silver and gold). If we reach a level 3x, we may treat ourselves to the celebration of that level.

Q1 2023 Januari-march

Theme: volunteers

Canoeing with goodie bag.
Canoeing with goodie bag and drinks.


Goal: to know who will be the board of next year

Tip: do you want to talk about doing a board year? Contact Bart via 0622371063

Thank you volunteers

Goal: to give something back and thank our volunteers for their hard work 

Tip: thank you for your effort!

To complete our volunteer policy

Goal: complement the volunteer policy with committee-specific details and map out what being a volunteer at UBoulder entails

Tip: if you have ideas about volunteer policies, please pass them on to the board.